Photo Gallery

"Little Boy"
The code name of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945
Little boy was the first, of two bombs. Little boy, dropped on Hiroshima,
then "Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki, three days later.

The devistation was un imagineable. Victims walked around with their
skin melting off. Innocent men, women, and children were scorched.

"All over the right side of my body I was cut and bleeding. A large splinter was protruding from a mangled wound in my thigh, and something warm trickled into my mouth. My check was torn, I discovered as I felt it gingerly, with the lower lip laid wide open. Embedded in my neck was a sizable fragment of glass which I matter-of-factly dislodged, and with the detachment of one stunned and shocked I studied it and my blood-stained hand.
Where was my wife?"
Eye witness account from Dr. Michihiko Hachiya

The citys destruction was horrifying after Hiroshima was bombed.
To thousands, there was no "home"

"Fat Man"
The code name of the bomb dropped on Nagasaki, on August 9, 1945
Fat Man, was the second, of two bombs. Little boy, dropped on Hiroshima,
then "Fat Man" dropped on Nagasaki, three days later.

 242,437 was the final death count of Hiroshima.

This is the "Mushroom Cloud" from the bombing of Nagasaki.
At this moment, countless numbers of innocent peoples lives were being destroyed.
